The ONLY researched-based, gaze-driven system designed to train foundational attention skills.

Is My Child a Good Candidate for Attention Training?

Schools use attention training to improve non-language skills needed for reading

How Attention Training is Helping Children

*Guaranteed Results

Because our games have been tested in two different scientific studies, and both have shown measurable improvements in attention, we are comfortable guaranteeing the results of our attention training. If you do not see measurable improvements (defined below), we will happily refund your money.

Measurable Improvements

Five different attention assessments are triggered within the first hour of play for a baseline measurement and then alternating assessments every two hours of play. If your child does not show measurable improvements on at least two of the five assessments triggered after the 8th hour of play, we will refund all of your subscription fees (up to 3 months). The deposit on the eye tracker will be refunded when the eye tracker is returned.

We want the games to work for your child. And while it may not work for every child, it will work for most children with attention challenges. So, we are willing to remove the risk for you to test the Attention Arcade.

How often should my child play?

30 minutes per day, 3-5 times per week

How Attention Training Works

Results of the UC San Diego Research Study


Improvement in Focus


Improvement in Fast Attention Shifts


Improvement in Inhibitory Control

What Parents & Teachers Say About the Attention Arcade™

“After getting started with the Attention Arcade, my son did his nighttime routine without being asked. And on chores day, he stayed on task without being reminded. It has been a big change.
Testimonials - Moms and dads

“My son has always had trouble looking me in the eye when I wanted to have a serious conversation with him. Last week, when I told him to look in my eyes, He said, ‘Just like in the arcade.’ He can do it easily now.

Parent testimonials - BrainLeap Tech

“It helped him a lot with him being able to focus in the classroom. He can look at the teacher and focus more on what she is saying, which keeps him more engaged in learning.”

Urban Academy teachers use Attention Training

“The immediate result was definitely better focus on homework tasks. But what I noticed overall was an improved ability in his executive functioning (something he has struggled with): he was able to organize his thoughts and his tasks better and had the ability to multitask without losing his original train of thought.”

Parent testimonials mom and son

“Both my sons report improved hand-eye coordination, focus, attention and tracking. In particular, they found that their peripheral vision improved which facilitated driving and blind spot detection.”

Testimonials - moms

“Students love it so far. Some of them think they have superpowers!”

Testimonials - dad

“This is a great way to help my son increase his attention and focus. In a few weeks, we could see how he was able to stay on task for longer periods of time.”

Testimonials - mom

“The students love it!”

Attention Arcade in Schools Cochrane, Bruce

As Seen On…

Science Magazine logo
San Diego Union Tribune Logo
KPBS logo
Fox 5 San Diego
ADDitude Magazine
CBS Logo
San Diego Business Journal Logo
San Diego Reader Logo

How Attention Arcade™ Games Work


  • 20 minutes 3-5 per week

    20 minutes of gameplay on our Attention Arcade 3-5 per week trains eye movement control and attention skills. It is like exercise for the attention system.

  • Keeping a regular schedule yields the best results.

    Much like exercise, it only helps if you train consistently.


  • Windows 10 or Mac Computers (not chromebook)

  • 17" or larger monitor (preferred)

It is amazing to see the transformation in a child who significantly improves his or her attention skills.

BrainLeap uses 50+ years of research and experience to make the Attention Arcade Evidence-Based, Fun, and Easy!

Attention skills are foundational to working memory, inhibitory control, and cognitive flexibility.

The Science Behind Attention Training

Research Studies

Funded by the National Institutes of Health, BrainLeap’s games were initially created and tested at UC San Diego.

The research study included 23 individuals, aged 9-25, with attention challenges.

Eye movement and attention are tightly linked and share much of the same brain circuitry

Our understanding of how eye movement and attention work together allows us to use eye movement to train attention. The games we have developed gradually shape behavior using visual and auditory feedback provided in real-time. They are designed to improve the speed, accuracy, and control of eye movement and in doing so they improve the speed, accuracy, and control of attention.

At Home

All 23 at-home participants in the UC San Diego trial showed improvements in attention:

  • 68% showed improvement in fast and accurate shifts of attention (Etask)

  • 55% showed improvement in inhibitory control (anti-saccade)

  • 30% showed improvement in focus (NICHQ)

In Schools

The 19 participants in the University of Florida – Gainesville study showed consistent improvements:

  • 32% improvement in fast and accurate shifts of attention (Tiger Trot assessment)

  • 65% improvement in inhibitory control (Gone Fishing assessment)

  • 35% improvement in fast gaze shifts (Specter Collector assessment)

Let’s Play!

Attention Arcade™ games are played only using the eyes.

The Games

Dr Mole and Mr Hide

Dr. Mole & Mr. Hide trains the ability to quickly and accurately orient the player’s gaze and attention to a sudden event, and to monitor a wide range of view. As the game gets harder, inhibitory control is also developed as the player avoids looking at the professor moles.

Shroom DiggerShroomdigger trains attention by requiring steady fixation of gaze, visual search in a crowded field, and the ability to ignore moving distractions. This game is unlocked after 20 minutes of play.

Space RaceSpace Race trains anticipatory focus by requiring the player to gaze ahead of the current ship position. Executive functions related to planning are also trained. This game is unlocked after 40 minutes of play.

Ring Leader trains the ability to orient attention quickly then hold a steady fixation of attention and gaze to get through the rings. This game is unlocked after 90 minutes of play.

Kung FallKung Fall trains planning, steady fixation of attention and gaze, and the ability to ignore moving distractions. This game is unlocked after 3 hours of play.

Butterfly BobButterfly Bob trains anticipatory focus, planning, and prioritization. This game is unlocked after 4 hours of play.

Trapped a ZoidTrapped-a-Zoid trains inhibitory control of attention, requiring the player to suppress salient visual input. Executive function is trained by engaging top down strategy planning. This game is unlocked after 5 hours of play.

The Assessments

Specter CollectorSpecter Collector measures the timing and accuracy of the player’s ability to orient their attention to a peripheral stimulus.

Soups On Attention AssessmentSoup’s On requires players to stare at the campfire to keep it lit even while presented with distractions.  This measures a player’s ability to ignore distractions and maintain focus.

Tiger TrotIn Tiger Trot, the player must maintain fixation on the tiger cub while responding to peripheral cues. Tiger Trot provides a sensitive measure of covert orienting speed.

Gone FishingGone Fishing requires measures the speed of reaction to the fish targets and inhibitory control in terms of the student’s ability to suppress a look at the turtle (a distractor). Because the game requires players to switch between pro-saccade and anti-saccade trials, it also measures task-switching ability.

Turbo Tortoise Attention AssessmentTurbo Tortoise requires a player to maintain focus on the tortoise while responding to different stimuli for an extended period of time. This assessment provides a sensitive measure of attentional vigilance.

The Blog

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Can Video Games Increase Cognitive Skills?
What are executive function skills?

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