Funding Resources
Funding is available for schools and institutions!
We are committed to helping educators support students in improving attention skills that support better reading, improved focus, and executive functioning. BrainLeap’s Attention Arcade qualifies for several state and federal funding programs, and we’ve made it a little easier for you to find the right funding.
The American Rescue Plan includes $123 billion for K-12 schools. The focus is on helping schools reopen and helping students close the COVID learning gap.
What are the funding guidelines?
How does the Attention Arcade meet the funding qualifications?
Educational technology
Summer learning programs
Support for ELL students
Support for students with disabilities
Educational technology
Summer learning programs
Support for ELL students
Support for students with disabilities
Title I, Part A: Education for the disadvantaged
Schools with a high percentage of pupils in poverty
Title I, Part D: Neglected and Delinquent Programs
Neglected, delinquent or at-risk students
Title II, Part A : Supporting Effective Instruction
Professional development
Title III: English Language Acquisition
English language learners
Title IV, Part A: Student Support and Academic Enrichment
Well-rounded education, student support
Title V, Part B: REAP and SRSA
Rural and small rural education
Title VI: Indian Education
American Indian and Alaska Native education
Title VII: Impact Aid
Schools on federal land or with federally disconnected students.
Title X, Part A: McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance
Homeless and foster students
IDEA: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Special education for children with disabilities
Johnson O’Malley Act, Bureau of Indian Affairs
American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) academic support
A list of grants from the U.S. Department of Education
Includes one-time and ongoing grants, fellowships, prizes, and scholarships. Sponsors include the U.S. Federal
Government and philanthropic organizations.
Funding is provided by private donations. Funds may be matched by non-profit or private organizations.