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Articles, stories and advice for parents and educators of kids who could use a little help paying attention.
Mon – Fri: 8:00AM – 6:00PM
Sat – Sun: Closed
The transition to remote learning this past year has been a challenge for many families. Getting your child up and ready for school in your house seems somehow even more difficult than when they had to get to school!
If you’re a parent, working from home with your kids can make things even more difficult. Making sure they stay focused on the teacher, do their homework, and let’s be honest, even logging into Zoom can take hours of your day. So what can you do to keep them engaged with their school work?
Your children likely have tons of energy flowing through them throughout the day and sitting at a computer doesn’t help expel any of it. Make sure your child is getting some kind of movement every day. Whether that means yoga, running outside, playing sports in the yard, or taking a walk around the neighborhood.
Not only does movement give kids a way to release stress and stagnant energy, but it also gives them a mental break from their school work.
There are multiple studies surrounding the mind-body connection and the importance of daily movement. Daily movement can actually improve your child’s ability to learn!
Cooking in the kitchen is a great way to get your child involved in their daily routine. Establishing a consistent routine for your children can help them tackle tasks more efficiently. According to Jim Kwik, morning routines can jump-start your brain by completing a series of simple activities. Tony Robbins calls this “the science of momentum.”
Along with establishing a solid routine, cooking can also help ensure you know what your kids are eating at all times. Having proper nutrition throughout the day will aid in their ability to focus and perform well in school.
Getting outside in the sun and fresh air has so many benefits for everyone, especially children with a lot of energy. During a break from Zoom school, have your child go out into the fresh air to get away from their screen. Sometimes, being on Zoom and staring at a screen for so long is exhausting, but a burst of fresh air can reenergize your child to tackle the rest of the day.
BrainLeap’s Attention Arcade can help train your child’s attention skills in only 20-30 minutes a day, 3 times a week. The Attention Arcade’s gaze-driven video games are fun for kids, while also teaching them the skills they need to stay focused and attentive throughout the day. With the Attention Arcade games, everybody wins: Your child is allowed to play video games and you know they are gaining life skills that will help with school and beyond.
Because the attention training games only take 20-30 minutes, your child can implement them into their morning routine, utilize them during breaks, or finish their day off with some of these fun interactive gaze-based games. Check out our games here.
Articles, stories and advice for parents and educators of kids who could use a little help paying attention.
Mon – Fri: 8:00AM – 6:00PM
Sat – Sun: Closed