Tag Archive for: attention training

Improving attention skills

Is it easier to get children to practice their times tables or get better at playing a video game? Silly question, right? But why do kids like playing video games? They are designed to allow players to gain mastery through practice in a fun environment. When you practice times tables, it feels bad to get them wrong. In a game, you are just playing… even when building skills.

If you are trying to understand the challenges around attention, you will likely come across three words regularly: attention, focus, and gaze. What are the differences between them? How are they the same?

Jack Reading Harry Potter

To read anything, you need to attend to it and the better you can focus, the easier it is to read longer passages.

The attention skills trained by the Attention Arcade can have long-term effects, even after children stop training. Learn how it works.

Occupational Therapist with Patient

We know that parents sometimes need ideas to help with attention skills in the moment. So, we reached out to the occupational therapist (OT) community to get some ideas.

While each child is different, many children with attention challenges struggle with reading. It may not be because of any issues with comprehension. It could be because of an inability to focus and to keep track of the words easily. Attention training can help with both.

Top Take home activities for Occupational Therapists

As an occupational therapist, you understand how difficult it can be to train attention and focus in children when you are unable to see them every day or multiple times a week. When you send your patients home, you need to be confident that they are practicing recommended therapies at home. As you know, practicing these activities is like practicing a sport, or practicing the piano. 

Ways to Increase Attention in Kids

Ways to increase atten… wait what? 

Whether your child is in first grade or seventh grade, the importance of attention remains the same. Lack of attention can make learning extremely difficult for everyone, especially children. As children continue to navigate new learning environments, whether at home or in-person, it’s important to help them improve their attention in any way you can.

At BrainLeap, we believe in the ability to naturally increase your child’s attention. Because of this, we’re providing a list of a few things you can start doing to help your child focus.

4 New Year’s resolutions your child can actually keep!

The New Year is a great time to assess and reset. It’s time to reflect on the past 365 days, the good and the bad, and craft a few resolutions to help you move into the next year with confidence and excitement. 

This year, when you sit down with your child to set a few goals for the year, think of a few achievable goals that can really help them develop. Here at BrainLeap, we have a few ideas.

Looking for More Holiday Kindness? Attention Skills Can Help

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a little more holiday kindness from your children or students during the holidays? One mom can expect just that after her son trained with the Attention Arcade.