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Articles, stories and advice for parents and educators of kids who could use a little help paying attention.
Mon – Fri: 8:00AM – 6:00PM
Sat – Sun: Closed
One question we hear often is: “Can you play the Attention Arcade without an eye tracker?” The answer is No. Controlling the games with just your eyes is key to the way the games train attention skills.
Moments before we look at something we “covertly” shift our attention to it. Try looking at something without thinking about it at all. As I shift my eyes away from my computer screen to the book sitting on my desk, I immediately attend to that book (“Oh, I need to finish reading it!). And that is just the beginning…
Normally, we move our eyes 3-4 times per second. The movements are very quick and we are typically unaware of many of them. For example, when something moves in your periphery, it is typical for your eyes to move to it and back to what you are doing in a fraction of a second.
When you are playing a video game that is controlled with your eyes, you become completely aware of where you are looking and when something catches your attention. If you look away from the screen, you are likely to lose points or end a turn. So, players become very conscious of where they place their eyes, and with it, their attention.
That is why you need an eye tracker to play the Attention Arcade. It is the key to knowing where players are placing their attention and allows the games to train foundational attention skills.
Attention training can be done at home or school. Click on the links to learn more. You can also contact us if you have any questions. I would be happy to answer them.
Articles, stories and advice for parents and educators of kids who could use a little help paying attention.
Mon – Fri: 8:00AM – 6:00PM
Sat – Sun: Closed