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Articles, stories and advice for parents and educators of kids who could use a little help paying attention.
Mon – Fri: 8:00AM – 6:00PM
Sat – Sun: Closed
How do you know when your child is paying attention to you or focusing on where they should? We typically use their eye placement as an indicator of whether or not our children are paying attention. “Look at me when I am talking to you!” is not just something parents say… It is grounded in neuroscience. Where you look, and where you plan to look, is typically where you are placing your attention. Our training games use eye movements to train a child’s attention skills.
Attention and eyes typically move together so that gaze and attention are in the same location. (They also share much of the same brain circuitry.) Research indicates that shifts of attention precede gaze shifts and mark the location for an eye movement. Our understanding of how eye movement and attention work together allows us to use eye movement to train attention. The games we have developed gradually shape behavior using real-time feedback — that is the power of using video games.
Our games are designed for use at home or in school which makes frequent training flexible and easy. The games start with easier skills to train and move on to more challenging ones. In Dr. Mole, the game trains the ability to quickly and accurately orient the player’s gaze and attention to a sudden event and to monitor a wide range of views. As the game gets harder, inhibitory control is also developed as the player avoids looking at the professor moles.
Each of our games trains different aspects of attention. From inhibitory control to fixation of gaze, to anticipatory focus, the games train attention skills that are foundational to executive function. After mastering the initial games and skills, players are challenged with games that require a combination of different attention skills.
Are you ready to give the Attention Arcade games a try? You can purchase Attention Arcade games by clicking here. You may purchase the eye tracker from Amazon or, we can send you the games and an eye tracker. Our team is ready to help you every step of the way!
Articles, stories and advice for parents and educators of kids who could use a little help paying attention.
Mon – Fri: 8:00AM – 6:00PM
Sat – Sun: Closed